DLW Graduation Ceremony

fev 11, 2020

Another year, and another beautiful DLW graduation ceremony for the 2019 graduates!

Our traditional event took place yesterday, at the law firm of our Kincaid – Mendes Vianna Advogados partners. This year, we were celebrating a historic goal. The completion of 113 courses that included various types of professional qualifications, as well as technician courses, language courses and even completion of a college undergraduate! It was a year of great results for our organization and for our participants.

The ceremony included the participation and speeches of many representatives of companies that support and believe in our work, as well as a very motivating speech by the Consul General of Real Consulado Geral da Noruega – Rio de Janeiro, Marianne Fosland. Throughout the event, several participants gave inspiring and thankful testimonials about their trajectories with DLW.

DLW is grateful for the presence of everyone who attended the event, and for all our financial, corporate, institutional partners, NGO partners and volunteers for always believing in our mission for a better future for our young people, through access to quality education and decent work. Without your collaboration and support, none of this would be possible.

We could not forget to highlight our thanks to our partners at Equinor, who provided the buffet, Kincaid – Mendes Vianna Advogados for once again giving up the space and helping with the organization, in addition to also collaborating, together with DNB, with the gifts given to the DLW’ers.

We couldn’t be happier with our work and hopeful for an even better 2020.


Photo credits: Runa Hestmann / Bianca Dantas / Paulo Cesar.