Support Us
You can the support these young people to dream higher in different ways. As a company and as an individual, through not only donating money but using a free plugin and convert part of the value of your online purchases to our cause without any extra to you.
Check out the two different ways of supporting our work.


Offering opportunities
One of our missions is to prepare young people to enter the labor market. Check our CV database HERE and find candidates with different professional skills.
As an NGO we rely on private resources. Your company can make a direct donation HERE, To know more about how to become a corporate partner, CONTACT US HERE.

There are several ways to help DLW. You can use your talent in any area to help us reach more and more young people through workshops, lectures, help in disclosure, etc. CONTACT US to find out how to help.
As an NGO we rely on private resources. You can make a direct donation HERE any amount count.
BUY whatever you want. PAY the same price.
And help efortless.

From now you can transform your online shopping in Brazil into donations to DLW without extra cost.
O Pólen is a platform for NGOs in Brazil that facilitates the donations from people doing online shopping. How does it work: Access our page on their website, register, download the plug-in or buy via our page. A percentage of the shopping will be donated to us!
Check our POLEN PAGE.