Recruitment at Karanba

ago 19, 2019

On July 19th our team visited our partner NGO Karanba, located in São Gonçalo. There we conducted our individual follow-ups with the active participants, which allow us not only to keep track of their progress in real time but also to keep the communication between us constant so that we can always help them in the best way possible.

In addition, our second annual recruitment was made. Our project coordinators gave a brief presentation about Dream Learn Work to explain our work and values and the students talked a bit about their stories and dreams. Our new participants were extremely enthusiastic throughout the whole process and we have no doubt that their DLW experience will be a success!

Finally, we did some brief interviews with some active participants, in which they shared a little about their past, present and future. These interviews had a double purpose: we wanted to better understand how we impact their lives so we can improve and make even more of a difference and we also want to help tell the world their stories. Therefore we will be publishing these interviews one at time along with the ones from students at the others NGOs partners.