mar 8, 2021

Today’s newsletter is a very special one. DLW presents it’s 2020 Impact Report. In this document, we highlight our main actions and results during this very unusual year, in which, together, we managed to continue to have positive impacts for our youngsters and their families. Food boxes distribution, webinars, mental health support, online events and courses were some examples of actions during 2020 that our #DreamTeam was involved with. All of this would not be possible without the engagement and success of our network, corporate and institutional partnerships and true willingness of so many people that also fight for social justice.The collective efforts on behalf of our participants has been rewarded with good results and hope for a better tomorrow, even during such adverse times caused by the pandemic. You all are part of these positive results!

2020 was a year of struggles, losses, but it has also shown the importance of great commitment, unity and strength to all of us. We must continue our mission.

Dream Learn Work would like to thank you all for the support and dedication during 2020, we are truly grateful and want to continue our goals, giving more and more opportunities that these young brazilians deserve, through access to quality education and professional qualification aiming for better employment possibilities.

In 2021 we expect to continue counting with your support and engagement. Better days are on the way.