Dream Learn Work in o Globo

Estudante de curso de solda com ‘a mão na massa’ em estaleiro: ONG financia a formação de jovens em busca de oportunidade no mercado – Divulgação / Jörgen Skjelsbæk
In August there was published an article about Dream Learn Work and our work here in Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian national newspaper O Globo.
The article was realised due to our participation on the Educação 360 (Education 360), an event about education taking place in the end of September. Educação 360 is ran by the journals O Globo and Extra, in collaboration with Sesc and the government of Rio de Janeiro.
We are so happy with the participation of Dream Learn Work in an event with such a big focus on education, which is one of our main missions. Change your future – study!
The link to the article online: http://oglobo.globo.com/sociedade/educacao/educacao-360/ong-norueguesa-inspira-prepara-jovens-para-mercado-de-trabalho-20019421