Graduation 2018

In the end of every year Dream Learn Work arranges a graduation ceremony for the students that has completed a course during the year. Normally we arrange these events at our NGO partner’s base, but this year we chose to gather all our participants at Teatro SESI in Rio City Center, so they can connect with each other and celebrate together as DLW participants.
Congratulations to all the DLW participants for concluding and getting one step closer to achieve their dream!
43 students graduated this year and we are thrilled to announce that our completion rate is now the best we have ever had! This number reflects individual follow-up, focusing on each participant’s professional dream and the focus on keeping the participants motivated. Also, the number of students has increased, a result of DLW opening up towards all working areas a few years ago.
Joana, one of our participants studying Physical Education at the federal university UFRJ said that the experience she has had with DLW has been essential for her to believe in herself and be able to dream big.
“I live in the neighbourhood Complexo do Maré, a area of risk, which is on the other side of the highway of UFRJ. Before DLW I never imagined studying there, even though I can see it from my window, and it’s kind of been a dream of mine, that I never thought could be possible to achieve. Through DLW I participated of a motivational course called My life, My dream, where we used watercolour painting to illustrate our dreams, which afterwards was printed on a t-shirt. I use this t-shirt a lot and I look at the print that reminds me of my dream and how important it is to me. We all need to dream, and we are all capable to achieve the dream, you just need to believe in yourself,” Joana said in her speech at the graduation.
The priest from Norwegian Seaman’s church also held a speech, with a inspiring message about helping each other towards success. After only 3 months in Brazil, he held the speech in Portuguese hoping to inspire the participants to speak English and be brave. And measuring the applause he had, it seems like the message was well received and understandable.
Thank you to all the participated at the event and one more time, congratulations to the participants that concluded!