The Future and I

DLW has asked our students about their thoughts on the future. We are going to share with you their opinions about the future of Brazil, their future and what we can do about it.
“When I think about the future, I think about how much I’d like that the military police not to exist or to be more prepared. Many problems happen nowadays in our society due to their lack of training; if they had a better preparation, it would be a big step already.
I study Physical Education and I want to finish college. I’m in the first period and I’m really enjoying the course. I intend to be a physical trainer for Vasco or at a big gym that offers sport classes. I want to have my own car and my own house, which I will achieve from my work. Currently, I teach at Luta Pela Paz—I’m a monitor, so I pass on to the kids everything I learned at this NGO, like empathy. To change the future, I would coordinate a resilience and empathy training, because I believe that they complement each other (and people lack both nowadays); and I would implement sports in every school, because they help people develop.
I believe education can change the future. I mean, I don’t believe: I know it—simply because it is the foundation of everything. Nowadays, public education has to be really efficient, to have more content. I come from a public school where they taught me the least I should know. Even though I’m studying in a private college now, I had weak education, I learned only the basic. Today I struggle and I need to study three times more in order to do my activities. High quality education exists and it should be for everyone, however it’s only a reality for those who can afford it. This is not good. It’s even worse for people who live near a slum, because when the military forces enter the community, the kids miss a school day—which is already short—and end up not learning. In Brazil, everything is about money.
Dream Learn Work has been changing several futures. Many youngsters who couldn’t afford courses are now studying, because the organization supports them. Besides financing their studies, on Women’s Day DLW held a yarning circle. The team promotes debates and invites everyone, talks to us, and this communication is important.
In few words, I hope the future brings more democracy, health, education, resilience and empathy. I see a better future depending on who gets elected; if Bolsonaro wins, we won’t have any hope.”
– Raissa (22)