“A variety of stories to keep you informed about the Dream Learn Work activities and our work.”

Past, present and future challenges
Recent studies by the UNDP, with the synthesis of the 2021/2022 Human Development Report, entitled “Uncertain times, unstable lives: Building the future in a changing world” point out in terms of social inequality, with structural social problems and a world scenario full of of uncertainties and that affects mainly the less privileged.

DLW in Rio Oil & Gas 2022
On the week of September 26th, we had the biggest Oil and Gas event in Brazil, and DLW was present every day. We stayed at the Norwegian pavilion, we thank all Team Norway that provided our presence at the fair.

DLW Graduation 2022
On Friday, September 9th, Dream Learn Work carried out its annual graduation ceremony at Kinkaid’s office, in Rio de Janeiro’s downtown.
This year, participants who have finished courses in 2020, 2021 and 2022

Dream Team at the IBPF Inauguration
On November 21st, we were invited to participate in the inauguration of the field and headquarters of a partner NGO Bola Pra Frente

2022 Good Deeds Day Fair
IT WAS AMAZING! We thank everyone who attended the 2022 Good Deeds Day, which marked the reunion of many social organizations, partners and old friends in a day with lots of love and strengthening of the network in favor of the Volunteering Movement.

DLW in the 2022 Nor-Shipping event!
In April, our General Manager in Norway, Iris Froybu, moderated the roundtable on “Norway x Brazil – the importance of the #ESG agenda.”

Back in Business!
What great news on this #MondayMotivation. We heard about the new professional placement of one of our DLW’ers. Wendell De Lima Barreto, a electrical engineering student at UNISUAM and also an electrical technician trained by Firjan. He never stopped believing in his goals and dreams, despite the adverse times that the pandemic still causes.

DLW Gastronomic Workshop
In the beginning of April, 4 of our participants had a super opportunity to meet and make Hot Dog in a Pot! The gastronomic workshop was held by the Instituto Gourmet – Brasil, at the Itaboraí/RJ unit.

2020 was a challenging year. For us at DLW, it meant changes, new working methods and new tools. Here is our Annual Report for 2020. Symbolizing how we and our partners have adapted to change during the pandemic.

SuperAção 2020 Award
The SuperAção 2020 award, carried out by Agência do Bem last year, with the objective of selecting different actions carried out by NGOs that acted to minimize the effects of the pandemic that still haunts our country.

Glaring problems such as inequality in access and income in the labor market for women, countless types of violence experienced daily, among other diverse consequences that historically

Welcome, Thamires!
This year, Dream Learn Work is pleased to present a new face to our organization staff. We wish to welcome you, Thamires Lacerda, our new intern. Thamires has been a DLW participant since 2015, with several passages in our projects, professional qualification courses, mentoring, among others.

I Choose Education
Studies by UNDP point Brazil as the 10th in the list in terms of social inequality, with structural social problems and an educational system that is still very precarious.

DLW’ers English Classes
These English classes at Link Languages in partnership with Dream Learn Work will help me to leverage my professional career and achieve one of my many goals, which is to give my son and my family a better life and maybe even go to another country,” says our DLW participants, Romulo Oliveira.

Today’s newsletter is a very special one. DLW presents it’s 2020 Impact Report. In this document, we highlight our main actions and results during this very unusual year, in which, together, we managed to continue to have positive impacts for our youngsters and their families

DLW’s Food box campaign
#ThankYouThursday very much! Since March of 2020, our campaign of distribution of food boxes and cleaning material kits has been active to help and support our participants and family members, which are spread over several territories in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro.

Never give up your dreams!
Pedro Henrique, our gastronomy participant continues to fly high and showing the importance of insisting, persisting and resisting are fundamental when looking for their respective goals.

My Life, My Dream | 2020 edition
In August, our motivational workshop “My Life, My Dream”, 2020 online edition, brought the theme: Photography as a form of expression.

June 28th is the international day of LGBTQI+ pride. Despite the achievements, prejudice is still an issue that makes it difficult to enter the labor market. Even so, stories that overcome that encourage us to continue fighting for inclusion.
See the report below from our participant:

It takes a lot of strength, courage and determination to overcome life’s obstacles and DLW takes advantage of this space to talk about black women and their difficulties in accessing the labour market.

COVID-19 Campaign Support
DLW would like to thank our friends and supporters at Gard Marine & Energy Limited – Representative Office in Brazil Ltda., who were one of the first companies to make financial donations for our campaign to buy and deliver grocery staples and personal hygiene and cleaning supplies during pandemic times!

With great happiness DLW announces another financial partnership. We welcome Altera Infrastructure, formerly part of Teekay, to our network of partners. Their connection with Norway and Brazil is another synergy between the two parties and only strengthens our common relationship and interest.

DLW’ers against COVID-19
DLW is very proud of our work and mission with all our youngsters over the years. Even in the most adverse moments, our organization can still count with the collective collaboration of our partners, volunteers and participants.

Our participant, Joana Dark who is a professional massage therapist, and lives in Complexo da Maré (community of Rio de Janeiro), through this video, reports on the current moment in her area during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

New Kincaid Partnership
It is with great pride and joy that we announce a new financial partner for our organization!
In 2020, Kincaid – Mendes Vianna Advogados has decided to start investing in Dream Learn Work.

Beach Clean up
On March 7th, DLW in partnership with Instituto Ecológico Aqualung – Tatuí Project, Norwegian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and WISTA Brazil promoted a super beach cleaning campaign,

Gender Equality and Sustainability
On March 5th, we held the seminar “Gender Equality and Sustainability” whose theme encompassed several UN SDGs, such as: # 5 – Gender Equality, # 14 – Life Below Water and # 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

DLW Graduation Ceremony
Another year, and another beautiful DLW graduation ceremony for the 2019 graduates!
Our traditional event took place yesterday, at the law firm of our Kincaid – Mendes

Beach Cleaning Initiative
DLW in partnership with the Aqualung Institute and TFF promoted a cleaning
effort in Flamengo Beach on Saturday, the 7th. Besides helping to clean the

Students’ Gathering
On December 7,
there was a year-end celebration party for DLW students. Based on a demand from
the students themselves, the event was the first of its kind and aimed to

Visit of the Norwegian Consul
On Monday we had the honor to welcome the Consul General of Norway in Rio de Janeiro, Marianne Fosland, to our office. Since the beginning of DLW, we have always had a very close relationship with the consulate. Marianne arrived in Brazil in the middle of 2019 and this was her first visit to DLW’s office.

Living the Dream
In August 2018, DLW published an article written by DNB about Rafael Lima, an employee at the Luxemburg office and DLW participant. Today, about a year later, Rafael wrote a statement to DLW about his experiences and story.

A Success Story
Wendell de Lima Barreto, recruited by DLW in 2015, is an old student at DLW and has a success story that is always used as an example for newer participants. Not long ago Wendell wrote a short text about his story and DLW’s role in his life.

Partnership with Brunel
Following the successful visits at Brunel in early October, DLW contacted employees who participated in the activities during those two days to learn more about what they think

DLW DNA, launched this month, is Dream Learn Work’s newest project and aims to promote interaction among youngsters from the different territories where DLW operates and to develop in participating students’ skills that

Partnership with Wood
DLW reached our corporate partner contacts to understand what they think about our partnership. Ana Cecília Xavier, Senior Communications Analyst at Wood, a DLW partner since 2015, spoke a little about what this experience has been like.

Dreams Come True
As part of the final stage of DLW’s cycle, divided into the Dream, Learn and Work phases, the institution seeks to introduce the student to the job market. This introduction happens in a variety of ways, such as visits to partner companies, workshops and mentoring programs.

Human Development Closure
Last week was the last day of the Human Development course, held in partnership with SENAI and with the FIRJAN Integrated Social Responsibility Projects Division. Each of the 29 students dedicated the day to think

Visits at Brunel
On October 2nd and 9th we had the incredible opportunity to take a group of students to visit Brunel’s office, one of our partner companies, located in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro. Brunel is an international service provider specialized in recruitment and selection and the meetings were aimed primarily at helping youngsters prepare to enter the job market with some of the experienced recruiters working there.

We Choose Education
Dream Learn Work’s mission is to create opportunities for a brighter future through education and professional qualification for young people in vulnerable socio-economic situations in Rio de Janeiro.

DNB Visit at WeWork
In the second half of 2019 we received invitations from many partner companies to take our students to visit their headquarters. These events are crucial for young people to have contact with the professional world.

Navigating to the Future
In partnership with Instituto Mar e Portos – IMAPOR we are carrying out a Maritime Agent course, focused on training people to become agents, something unprecedented in Brazil.

Volunteers visited IBPF
Last month we took some DLW volunteers and friends to the Bola Pra Frente Institute, one of our partner NGOs, so they could get a close look at our work and meet some students.

Visits at Wood
At the end of September our students had the incredible opportunity to visit two different environments of Wood, one of our partner companies.

Women Empowerment Goals
Continuing our interview series, Marceli from Abrigo Rainha Silvia talked a little bit about her past, her present, and her dreams and expectations for her and her daughter’s future. Check it out:

Recruitment at Karanba
On July 19th our team visited our partner NGO Karanba, located in São Gonçalo. There we conducted our individual follow-ups with the active participants, which allow us not only to keep track of their progress in real

The importance of study
Normally I don’t like talking about me, but in this case I thought it was necessary to share some of my story to inspire other participants.

Next stop Portugal
In an interview with DLW, Pedro Henrique talked a little about his past, present and future and also shared some of his dreams and expectations. Check it out:

Dreaming towards a better future
Meet Dream Learn Work (DLW), a non-profit organization created by the Norwegian shipping industry based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the Blue Economy Hall, DLW will have a stand

Social Actions – Good Deeds Day
During the week after the NGOs fair, all the NGOs that took part arrange social actions so that volunteers can participate in their work. DLW held a Good Deeds Day action on thursday, April 18

Recruitment at Fight for Peace
On April 15th, our DLW team visited our NGO partners at Fight for Peace, in Maré. In that opportunity, we carried out our first annual recruitment, as well as our individual follow-up

Project Grael Recruitment
On May 16th, on a sunny Tuesday, in the city of Niterói. Our DLW team went to Jurujuba to visit our NGO partners at Project Grael. The visit was to perform, in the morning

Shipping Agent Day!
June 24th was celebrated the Maritime/Shipping Agent Day in the Ports Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro!
SindaRio & Imapor hosted a brunch at the Captaincy that was attended by several authorities such as Mr. Captain of Ports

Graduation at Gastromotiva!
Recently three participants completed their studies with Gastromotiva! The graduations were attended by many friends and family and took place on June 14 and 19 in the Refettorio

Dream Learn Work would like to thank everyone from the Nor-Shipping organization. Receiving the privilege of the invitation and just being

Good Deeds Day Fair
Annually, DLW takes part in the international event Good Deeds Day, arranged in Brazil by Atados. This year’s NGO fair (RJ edition), was held on Sunday,

Dream Learn Work looks forward to taking part in this year’s Nor-Shipping at Lillestrøm from June 4th to 7th with a stand in Blue Economy Hall! Stop by to hear more about our work and our common goals with Nor-Shipping…

Maritime Agent: Classification list and 1st day of class.
The list with the approved names for the Course: Maritime Agent 2019 – YOUNG TALENTS OF NAVIGATION, has been released!

Wendell tracing the paths of formal employability
Our participant recruited from our partner NGO Karanba, Wendell De Lima Barreto, last year got a scholarship in Electrical Engineering at UNISUAM and recently

WISTA BRAZIL Women’s Day Forum
On March 13th, Wista Brazil hosted its AGM and the Wista Brazil Forum “What Moves, Inspires and Motivates us?” which took place at the CEMOI Auditorium, at the Naval Warefare School in Praia Vermelha.

Visit at the facilities of DNB Brazil and a presentation about investments
On March 22nd, we took some of our DLW participants to visit the facilities of Den Norske Bank. DNB is one of Dream Learn Work’s founders…

Partner NGOs meeting
The 1st General Meeting with the partner NGOs of DLW, in 2019, took place on March 27, on a sunny Thursday in Itaboraí, at the headquarters of Abrigo Rainha Sílvia.

1st end-of-course confraternization with students at Senai: Human Development course!
We would like to highlight and thank the commitment and dedication all the of these two wonderful instructors, in our Human Development course,

DLW Recruitment at Projeto Karanba de Futebol
February 21st, was visitation and recruitment day for new participants at our NGO partner, Karanba! In the morning, we set aside the time for individual

Meetings and workshops with NGOs that will participate in Good Deeds Day 2019!
Annually, DLW takes part in the international event Good Deeds Day, arranged in Brazil by Atados. This year’s NGO fair (RJ edition),

DLW Recruitment at Abrigo Rainha Sílvia
On Tuesday, January 29th, the two Dream Learn Work Coordinators, Yasmim Nogueira and Jhonantan Mier, visited one of our partner NGOs, Abrigo Rainha Sílvia, for the first recruitment of the year.

Graduation – Class of 2018 / Formatura – turma de 2018
Thursday, 17th of January Dream Learn Work held its annual graduation ceremony at Kincaid’s office in downtown Rio de Janeiro. Participants that completed a course in 2018 celebrated with our corporate partners, educational institutions, NGO’s, volunteers, family…

Almoço natalino
Early December we had our annual lunch with some of our contacts from the NGOs, schools and our volunteers! After a delicious meal, we did some manual activities like Norwegians usually do for Christmas.

Visit at Wood getting ready for the job market
In the end of November, ten students from DLW had the opportunity to visit our partner Wood’s office (former Wood Group), in Barra da Tijuca.

Visit at Jotun’s factory
On November 27th, a group of our participants was invited to Jotun’s factory in Itaboraí. Jotun is one of our founders and we are grateful to catch up with the Norwegian group again.

Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Dream Learn Work
In the end of October, we set up an event with some of our partners at the head office of Dream Learn Work, in Flamengo beach. It was a day with a lot of sharing and learning!

Dia de Doar 2018
7th of November is Giving Tuesday – an international day for donating to NGOs around the world. Today, now more than ever, Brazil needs education, and the world needs Brazil

Visit to Christ, the Redeemer
In mid-September, Intertouring, a tourism agency, arranged an event for our students to get in touch with tourism and hear about how it is to work in the area. The event was a great success and we are already thinking about arranging a new one!

DNB Rio de Janeiro Oil & Gas event
In the end of October, Dream Learn Work was invited to DNB’s (Den Norske Bank) Rio Oil & Gas event, in Rio de Janeiro. Kristin H. Holth, DNB’s Global Head of Ocean Industries, and Felipe Kury, ANP Director, presented Brazil’s oil and gas perspectives.

Rio Oil & Gas 2018
In the last three editions of Rio Oil & Gas, Innovation Norway has invited us to the Norwegian Pavilion to connect with the Norwegian network in the Oil and Gas industry in Rio de Janeiro and meet new connections.

Meeting with the partner NGOs
In September, we met up with all DLW’s partner NGOs that work with us in Project Grael in Jurujuba (Niterói). Before the meeting, we were invited to a sailboat activity!

One more DLW-chef
Congratulations to our participant Paula Nogueria for concluding her culinary course at Gastromotiva!

Exhibition CCBB, Igor Moreno
Participant of Dream Learn Work, Igor Moreno, with the artistic name IZY is exposing an art in the famous art galery CCBB owned by Banco do Brasil, in the first floor. The exhibition began on August 14th and will last until December…

The Future and I
DLW has asked our students about their thoughts on the future. We are going to share with you their opinions about the future of Brazil, their future and what we can do about it.

From the favela to a future in finance
A hardworking mother and good forces in DNB (Norwegian bank) have brought Rafael Lima out of poverty in Rio de Janeiro. Rafael’s journey has taken him to the other side of the earth: DNB Luxembourg.

Good Deeds Day
Annually, DLW takes part in the international event Good Deeds Day, arranged in Brazil by Atados. This year’s fair to promote our NGO was held on Sunday, April 15, at Quinta da Boa Vista, a huge park close to Sao Cristovao—an amazingly beautiful venue for this type of event.

Learning how to dream bigger
Wendell, our participant recruited by Project Karanba, recently got a scholarship to Electrical Engineering at UNISUAM. We talked to him in order to have a better understanding of this moment in his educational path.

Marielle Franco (27 July 1979 – 14 March 2018)
I have written this passage a week after the assassination of Marielle Franco on March, 14th 2018, the initial emotional shock and sadness had eased and I could grasp what had happened. I met Marielle in 2017, a very courageous woman, Brazilian politician, feminist and human rights activist.

Global Giving Campaign
Last year, DLW succeeded in becoming a permanent partner of the Global Giving crowdfunding platform. This has lead to new opportunities and, this year, we hosted our second campaign called Little by Little, that was held between April 9 and April 13.

The Future and Me – Dimitri
When I think about the word “future”, I think of surprise. The future of Brazil is a surprise, which means our future is a surprise as well. But I think we need to do our part, and that way we can change the future.

The Future and Me – Yasmin
We asked our students about the future. Now we are going to share their opinions about the future of Brazil, their own future and how we can influence it.

Recruitment Projeto Karanba
In April, DLW held a recruitment meeting at Projeto Karanba to find new youngsters who wanted to study. Every year we recruit participants who are interested in choosing education to have a better future.

Graduation 2018
In the end of every year Dream Learn Work arranges a graduation ceremony for the students that has completed a course during the year. Normally we arrange these events at our NGO partner’s base, but this year we chose to gather all our participants at Teatro SESI in Rio City Center, so they can connect with each other and celebrate together as DLW participants.

Giving Tuesday is 28th November
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. On this day let’s celebrate and encourage giving, there are many ways to support us, from fundraising to volunteering or pro bono work.

Kongsberg Maritime Brasil receives DLW participants.
Late September DLW was invited to gather a group of participants studying courses that could lead to the oil and gas sector. A group of 10 went to Kongsberg’s headquarter in Rio de Janeiro and was welcomed by Kristian Froevold, Daniel dos Santos Botelho and Mercio Luiz Tavares.

New Partner – Projeto Grael
To be able to achieve our mission, Dream Learn Work works in partnership with different NGO’s, schools and companies in educational, cooperative and social areas. A new member, Project Grael, enters our group of social projects, supporting the community in Jurujuba, Niterói.

A new approach to CSR
Every year Dream Learn Work’s team sits down in January to evaluate the past year, our assessing our results and…

Good Deeds Day
This year, on April 1st and 2nd, Dream Learn Work participated for the first time in the international initiative: Good Deeds Day, organized by Atados here in Rio. It puts together people who want to volunteer and NGOs that need help. During two days, many activities take place and connections are made.

Dream Learn Work’s dreams for 2017
Every year Dream Learn Work’s team sits down in January to evaluate the past year, our assessing our results and how we can improve our work.

Dream Learn Work – 10 years!
In 2016 Dream Learn Work celebrates ten years helping young people realize their dreams and create better futures for themselves through education, In this occasion we gathered students, partners and Dream Learn Work’s friends to celebrate this milestone.

Dream Learn Work meets Norwegian Minister
Deputy Minister in the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Ms Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde, greeted us during her visit to the Norwegian stand at Rio Oil and Gas held in October this year.

Graduation 2016 – Abrigo Rainha Silvia/Karanba
At the end of every year Dream Learn Work has a tradition to celebrate our participants that concluded a course during the respective year. This year we held the graduation for Abrigo Rainha Silva and Projeto Karanba in Itaborai at Abrigo Rainha Silva’s base.

Graduation 2016 – Instituto Bola Pra Frente / Luta Pela Paz
At the end of every year Dream Learn Work has a tradition to celebrate our participants that concluded a course during the respective year. This year we held the graduation for Instituto Bola Pra Frente and Luta Pela Paz in an event area close to BpF’s base in Deodoro.

Educação 360 (Education 360)
This year Dream Learn Work was invited to participate at the yearly educational event ´Educação 360´, organized by O Globo and Extra newspapers, in partnership with Sesc and the Rio de Janeiro’s government, with the support of TV Globo

Dream Learn Work in VG, one of Norway’s biggest newspapers
In July, Dream Learn Work was featured in an article published in one of Norway’s biggest newspapers, VG (Verdens Gang). Due to the Olympic Games held in Rio…

Yoga and meditation for dlw-participants
Dream Learn Work, together with Sports Unite Nationalities (SUN) and Luciana Camargo from Samatua Yoga held an event for our participants where yoga and active meditation were the tools to get in contact with mind and body.

Dream Learn Work in o Globo
In August there was published an article about Dream Learn Work and our work here in Rio de Janeiro in the Brazilian national newspaper O Globo.

Mandorla – innovation, opportunities and an open mind
Mandorla is a Digital Marketing company specializing in providing unique and great solutions to companies and organizations primarily in South America.

Dreams of Rio: Beyond the Dreams
For the third year in a row Dream Learn Work has organized and delivered our motivational workshop ‘’My Life, My Dream’’. We use creative tools to identify and illustrate the dreams of our participants. During four days of activities the participants learnt how to use watercolours,

SENAI recognized by the UN
Our biggest educational partner, the National Service for Industrial Training, SENAI, has been recognized by the UN as one of the best educational institutions of the south hemisphere. This is great news for Dream Learn Work, as 65% of

DLW MENTOR – where youth meets experience
Achieving a professional career changes from a dream to a plan with DLW Mentor. Dream Learn Work takes participants one step closer to work through our new program.

The Norwegian Consulate interviews: Wendell
The Norwegian Consulate General interviewed young people from Dream Learn Work about their life stories and their experiences with the project. The second interview was with Wendell, who dreams of becoming an Electrical Engineer.

The Norwegian General Consulate interviews our participant Yasmim
The Norwegian General Consulate interviews our participant Yasmim
I was brought up by my mom and my grandparents. My dad never cared to help out in any way, but my mom was always there for me. She worked day and night to get money for my me and my grandparents…

Vocational orientation – Workshop with DIRECT
Vocational training is an essential part of DLW’s work in Rio de Janeiro. DIRECT, a company that works with vocational orientation contacted us and offered to help our participants figure out their educational path and professional dream.

On November, 8th we participated in the Norwegian-Brazilian Business and Science Week an initiative from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Brasília, Royal Norwegian General Consulate in Rio de Janeiro and Innovation Norway. The idea was to emphasize and strengthen successful cooperation on various levels between Brazil and Norway…

The Norwegian General Consulate interviews our participant Pedro Henrique
The Norwegian Consulate General interviewed young people from Dream Learn Work about their life stories and their experiences with the project. The first interview was with Pedro Henrique, who is currently working as Kitchen Helper at the Fasano Al Mare restaurant.

Event with our NGO partners
Late July we gathered all our NGO partners at Luta Pela Paz (LPP), where LPP presented their project and their results. The NGO has it’s main base in the slum area Maré, a big area between Linha Vermelha (the highway towards the international airport)…

My Life, My Dream – Theater Edition
Every year we give our motivational course My Life, My Dream. In this year’s edition, we used the theater as a creative tool to encourage our young people to study.

In May Dream Learn Work started the application process to participate on Global Giving Accelerator program, an online fundraising opportunity for nonprofits around the world.

Mentoring in partnership with Statoil
In 2017, our mentoring program was implemented in partnership with the Norwegian company Statoil. Within six months, eight students and eight Statoil employees attended the program.

Dream Learn Work is now a part of O POLEN
From now you can transform your online shopping in Brazil into donations to DLW without extra cost.
Findout more about DLW stories here.
New Partner – Projeto Grael
To be able to achieve our mission, Dream Learn Work works in partnership with different NGO’s, schools and companies in educational, cooperative and social areas. and have a better future.
New Partner – Projeto Grael
To be able to achieve our mission, Dream Learn Work works in partnership with different NGO’s, schools and companies in educational, cooperative and social areas. and have a better future.